Thursday, December 3, 2009

What happened to November?

Mommy is really slacking these days, and my blog is waaay behind. So much has happened!

At the end of October... I found my feet. My MeMaw keeps telling me these stories about how my mom would suck on her feet for hours at a time when she was my age. I keep trying to tell MeMaw that I am a little more rotund than Mommy was, and it's harder for me to keep my feet in my mouth if I can even manage to get them all the way there.

Most of November was spent perfectioning things I could already do: holding up my head, rolling over (back to front, and front to back), pushing up with my legs, and "talking."

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, I went to my Grandma's house in Morehead. A year ago, this was the day that my parents found out I was on the way! Everyone was there: my great-grandparents, my grandparents, my great aunt and uncle, and my Mommy's cousins. Tatie and Tonton were there, too. Unfortunately, there was no food for me. :(

On Thanksgiving, I went to MeMaw and Big Daddy's. Finally, my Mommy gave me a little taste of Pumpkin Pie. I think I liked what I had, though Daddy and Mommy had to argue about whether or not it was a good idea to let me have regular food.

Daddy turned 31 on November 28.

On November 30, I held my bottle for the first time. This is something Mommy will never witness since she doesn't mess with bottles.

Finally, December 1, I had my four month appointment with Dr. Kuduk... even though I was almost 4 1/2 months old. I got some more vaccinations, but I hardly even cried. As my Daddy says, I am a big man! Here are my stats:

Weight: 19 lb, 13 oz
Height: 28"
Head: 16.75"