Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Long time, no blog

So Mom really got behind and hasn't helped me blog since before Christmas. So much has happened since then. I started walking. I went to Gatlinburg. I turned one. I'm quite the little man (or LM, as my mom would say).

Probably my favorite thing to do right now is dance. I cannot hear a single song without breaking out into full body movement. It doesn't matter if it's classical or rock, on the radio or being hummed, if I even *think* about music, I get to wiggling and giggling all over the place. I would say that my favorite song right now is "Surfin' Bird" by the Trashmen (1963).

I'm also in love with climbing on everything. Daddy gave me an easy chair a few months back, and I love to crawl up in it and jump onto the couch. Sometimes, I'll kick back sideways and enjoy a bottle, but mostly it's a prop for climbing.

My favorite place to be is outdoors. Don't try to move towards the door because I'll beat you to it! I stand and scream and cry at the door if you leave me inside, and I don't care who you are. Take me with you!

Stairs are also a treat. Luckily for Mom and Dad, we don't have any stairs inside the house to worry about, but we do have some off the back porch. They were a little steep for me, so Daddy made me a little step out of some scrap wood. Of course, I don't want to use the step (that would be too easy), but it was sweet of Daddy all the same! :o)