Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bye bye, tummy time!

Today has been a great day! I went over to MeMaw's house while Mommy was at work. At some point, she laid me down on my belly in the crib and left me alone for a few minutes. I was in there screaming (as I tend to do during tummy time), and then all of the sudden, she heard me start squealing with joy. When she came back in, I had rolled over against the side of the crib and was staring up at her. That was my first time rolling over, and when MeMaw called Mommy to tell her, Mommy almost cried. However, Mommy said that my rolling over was kinda like a tree falling in the woods... if no one was there to see me, did it really happen?

Mommy had Trunk or Treat down at church tonight. She dressed up like a medieval maiden (a little girl asked her if she was the grim reaper) and passed out candy. I came down for a little while, but it was overcast and MeMaw didn't want me out in the cold.

After Daddy and Mommy took me home, they decided to give me the opportunity to turn over for real. After about 15-20 minutes of general fussing and getting my butt up in the air, I finally gave a big heave and made it over. At 14 weeks, 3 days, I can roll from my tummy to my back!

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