Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 21 - Catching you up...

I hadn't written in almost a month, so I thought it was about time to catch you up with what's happening in my life!

I am growing and learning by leaps and bounds. Mommy and Daddy just can't get enough of watching me smile, coo, and squeal. I'm starting to laugh, though it's more like cackling. Now, when I'm on my stomach, it's a different story. I hate tummy time! However, I'm getting some good lift out of my arms and legs. Mommy swears that I will be turning over any day now. Of course, I show more promise turning over from back to stomach. Boy, if that comes before turning from stomach to back, I am gonna be one angry lil' man when I inflict tummy time on myself and can't escape!

I have been sleeping very well for the last 3+ weeks. Mommy doesn't even remember the last night that I woke her up for a 2am feeding. She reads about other mommies on babycenter or facebook who are struggling with babies older than me who aren't sleeping good. Yay me!

On Sunday, I went to Morehead to see my great-grandparents and my great-great aunt Margaret, who was up to visit from McKenzie, Alabama. Mommy said that maybe we could go down and visit her next summer. That would be great! She might take off all my clothes and let me chill in my diaper only since it gets so hot down there.

I've also started reaching for and even grabbing some things. I don't have a lot of coordination yet, but Mommy is hopeful. She's even started using some baby signs ('diaper' and 'milk'), even though there is no way I will be ready to use them for many months to come. She's so silly!

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