Thursday, November 10, 2011

A day like any other...

So I haven't blogged in a while, but Mommy's feeling the need to start writing again, so here we go!

Mommy was too busy for me all day, so it was a pretty sad day for us both. We got up like usual, but the weather has gotten too cold for me to play outside. This is certain to be a long winter for everyone involved.

Then, about 10, Mommy had a meeting through Skype, and I decided about then that it was time to be really loud and obnoxious around the house. Luckily, the nice people she was skyping with all had children and were very understanding. The good thing is, when Mommy is trying to get something done, she lets me get away with most anything. I got several pieces of Bark (=Ghiradelli white chocolate), although it was a little counterproductive for her as I was quiet for a few minutes while I ate but then hyped up later on all the sugar. Bark is one of my favorite things in the entire world.

After that, Mommy left for a doctor's appointment. Last Thursday, I pulled on the iPad charger and blasted Mommy's big toe on her right foot. The nail immediately turned purple, and the last few days, the blood blister has swollen to the point that the nail is detaching from the nail bed. It's a really bad boo boo, to say the least. She went and saw both Dr. O (family) and Dr. G (specialist) today, but unless she's in chronic pain, they both said she should leave it alone. Apparently, the nail will fall off within a month, and it will take 5-6 months for it to heal. I can still remember the expression on Mommy's face when the iPad hit. I ran and hid!

So Aunt Leslie and Abby came over to play with me today. It was lots of fun! I got to play with Abby yesterday, too. She's my very best friend.

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