Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rainy days are here to stay?

I love the outdoors! This summer was great - especially August. Mommy was off on maternity, and the two of us (three, counting Bean) would play in the backyard from early in the morning until my nap, and then I'd play outside after dinner until Daddy made me go to bed. In fact, this being Kentucky, we've had plenty of nice days well into November; and Mommy has made sure that I've taken advantage of everyone. She opens up the back door and the window opening onto the backyard, locks the gate with a padlock, and lets me run loose while she telecommutes from the kitchen table. I love to race up and down the backyard --- though beware! I sometimes count to three, four, or even five before saying go --- and I also love to kick balls and play with my t-ball set.

I've learned to pretend to be a bird and a frog and a bunny. I love to pull up the dandelions and hang from the clothesline pole in the backyard (with Mommy's help, of course). The big tree that Poppy cut down is another place I like to play.

It looks like my summer is about over, though. It's rainy today and getting colder, and I just don't understand why Mommy won't take me to the park. The other day, it was a little warmer, so she let me play in the rain.

At least I take nice, long naps in the afternoon! It gets so dark in my room with my favorite blackout curtains... I highly recommend them.

Anyway, it looks like Saturday may be 60 and Sunny. Here's hoping!

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