Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 15 - August 3 - A day in Lexington

Today was a very busy day! Mommy and Daddy got me up very early to eat and take a bath in preparation for my 2-week visit to Dr. Kuduk. They were a little nervous about my statistics, but I proved that they had nothing to worry about. I weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 8 oz, and I was 22.5" in length. That means that I have gained almost a pound since I was born. I had gained 1 lb., 3 oz. since my last office visit! Apparently, Mommy and I are doing well in the feeding department.

Following my doctor's visit, Mommy and Daddy took me on their first trip to Lexington. I am, after all, 2 weeks and 1 day old today. Mommy tried to tank me up before leaving, but I was still full from my pre-doctor feeding and refused to eat. This was the beginning of the end.

First, we visited their doula, Miss Deb, to return some books on childbirth that they had borrowed. Mommy and Daddy were so ready to show off how big and beautiful I am. :)

Then, they had hoped to visit Tatie Monique where Daddy was going to get his hair cut and Mommy was going to get her eyebrows done, but Tatie had an appointment and Mommy and Daddy had to waste an hour and a half in Lexington. So, they went to Graeter's and had ice cream.

While they were there, Big Daddy called, and when he heard that I was in Lexington, he asked Mommy and Daddy if they would come to Lexmark. They agreed, but only to visit Big Daddy in Building 32. Mommy has to come back another day when she has more time to visit her friends in Building 002.

I had a poo, so Daddy changed my diaper on a picnic table outside Big Daddy's office. I'm sure everyone who had a window out onto the parking lot enjoyed their view of my changing.

Then, Big Daddy left his meeting to show me off to anyone on his hall who was in their office. He was obviously so happy to have me there.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to spend a lot of time with Big Daddy because he was busy and Mommy and Daddy had to get back to Tatie's. They got on New Circle Road in Lexington to drive to Richmond Road where Tatie works, and I officially expired. I started to get fussy because I was finally hungry at 3PM... 6 hours since my last feeding. At the intersection of Broadway and New Circle, Mommy played Chinese Firedrill to get in the backseat and try to calm me down, but there was no pacifying me. Daddy was a wreck all the way to Tatie's because I screamed and cried non-stop. I was inconsolable. Mommy did a great job keeping her cool, but as Daddy got out of the car, he told Mommy that he was about ready to throw up and that they were never doing this again!

Mommy fed me and changed me in the Lincoln while Daddy got his hair done and calmed down. Then, I got to go inside with Mommy so that everyone at Hair and Now could tell me how beautiful I was. :) Tatie was so happy to see me, too.

After crying myself silly on the way there, I then slept the entire way home. What a crazy day!

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