Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 19 - August 7 - Girls' Night

Tonight, I went to Tatie's house for the first time. She was having a girls' night in, and Mommy was invited. Of course, this made Big Daddy sad, as he didn't get a chance to see me today, but I know that I will get to see him tomorrow.

Daddy was a little nervous about leaving me over there. He went and hung out with Tonton, but not until he had made sure that I had everything I needed. He set up a little changing area upstairs on the bed in Tatie's guest room and even made a special trip back to the house to get my boppy chair so I didn't have to sit in my carseat.

Tatie had four of her friends over: AnnE, Nancy, Jess, and Christy... but I was the star of the party. Mommy was worried that they would think she was a bad mommy, letting everyone wool me and hold me while she sat there and ate, but I think no one really minded.

I ended up peeing on Tatie's bed upstairs... she didn't mind.

Mostly, I was well behaved. I got a little fussy with Mommy during the movie, but then Miss Nancy took me and bounced me around. I calmed down immediately.

When Daddy showed up, I was sitting in Miss Nancy's lap. Daddy looked in the boppy chair, I wasn't there, and then (panicked) asked, "where's the baby?" Daddy is so funny!

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