Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 17 - August 5 - My Special Day

Today was my "special day," as Daddy would say.

When I chowed down at 3:15 this morning, little did I know that would be my last meal until after 9!

Mommy and Daddy got up really early this morning and woke me up to go to Clark Regional, where I was born. By the time I got there, I was in rare form. Daddy was tore up... because I was crying over being hungry and because he felt sorry for me because of what was getting ready to happen. In fact, Daddy has been sad and nervous for the past several days in anticipation of my surgery.

After Daddy got me checked in, Mommy, Daddy, MeMaw, and I went up to the second floor for outpatient services. They put a little band around my ankle with my name on it, and then they assigned me to a room. Daddy, Mommy, and I spent a few minutes in there, Daddy consoling me over being hungry.

When the nurse came in, Daddy went to the waiting room with MeMaw, and Mommy and I were left alone with the nurse and Dr. Kuduk. They strapped me to a little board, and Dr. Kuduk gave me some anesthesia. The nurse let me suck on a swab soaked in sugar water, which made me feel a little better. I was so hungry! Then Dr. Kuduk swabbed me down with Iodine and began the procedure. I bawled the entire time. Mommy was right there beside me, trying to talk to me and let me know she was there, but I would not calm down. Mommy thought this was a little extreme... I had been so good with the being strapped to the board AND the shots. I guess she thought that I just got tired of being restrained. However, when all was said and done, Dr. Kuduk looked at her and said, "Well, I don't think the anesthesia took as well as I would have liked." Mommy was horrified! I had been screaming in pain!

As soon as Dr. Kuduk left the room, Mommy nursed me and I calmed down. Good thing that I had plenty of time to relax before Daddy came back in the room. He would NOT have done as well as Mommy keeping his cool.

Now that I'm back home, I've been taking some baby tylenol for pain and taking it easy in general. Mommy and Daddy are letting me do whatever I want today. Good thing I won't remember any of this.

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