Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 29 - Facing the firing squad

Today was my 2 month appointment with Dr. Kuduk. I should have known it was going to be a bad day. Mommy asked Daddy to check on me before he came to bed, and unbeknownst to her, he put a blanket on me... again. Mommy has told Daddy over and over again that I wear the sack so I don't need a blanket and that a blanket could smother me, but Daddy is more worried about my getting chilly than my dying from suffocation.

ANYWAY, about 5 this morning, I woke up and started screaming at the top of my lungs... not hollering, screaming. Mommy woke up and was confused because I never do that. She came in to find me kicking and screaming, completely covered from head to foot by the blanket. Who knows what happened? Mommy worries that a devil came in and covered me up. But boy, she gave it to Daddy when she got back to bed! It scared her to death to find me there like that, and she threatened to kill Daddy if he ever put a blanket on me again unless he was planning on being there right there with me.

Moving on... Mommy is apparently an idiot because she rushed me and Daddy out the door just to find out that our appointment was a full hour later than she thought it was.

Regardless, I was Mr. Charming. I slept in the waiting room, and when I got to the examination room, I was all smiles. I chatted up Daddy and Miss Tammy, the nurse. I weighed a whopping 16 lbs, 9 oz and was 26.5" long! My head circumference is 16.5"... so at least my brain is growing, too.

I loved seeing Dr. Kuduk. He talks to me and listens to me. I feel so special! He told Mommy and Daddy that I was doing great and completely off the charts in terms of growth. Maybe I'll grow up to play basketball... for the Cardinals, of course! I smiled, cooed, and squealed the entire time. Mommy thought she would burst with pride and happiness.

After Dr. Kuduk left, Miss Tammy returned to do the dirty work. First, I got an oral vaccination. That wasn't too bad until the end when I got a little choked. Then, I got three shots! It was terrible. There I was, minding my own business, smiling and cooing, when Daddy grabbed my leg and held it down. He knows I hate that! Then Mommy tried distracting me while Miss Tammy shoved a needle in my left leg. There was a brief period of realization and then I let out a huge wail! Then I got two more shots in my right leg.

I actually calmed down pretty quickly after that, though I've been a little fussy today since then. I do have a cool transformers band-aid and another spiderman band-aid to show for my pain and suffering...


  1. In terms of the blanket, my baby hated sleep sacks! She doesn't really like blankets either, but anyhow, what I would do was tuck the blanket in across the crib. I would make sure it was tucked in under the mattress. I would then just fold the other side on her. It was too tight for her to really pull up over herself. I also have only used a breathable bumper. I'm a big believer in those. I hope that makes sense. Anyhow, he's looking like a healthy boy! I'm glad you are all doing so well!
    Here's a link to the AAP regarding their stand on sleeping:

  2. Thanks for the link. I will share this with Daddy... who almost lost his Daddy license over this.
