Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 1 - Monday, July 20

The following day, I still was "Baby Boy Caudill." Mommy and Daddy were together considering Parker and Asher. Daddy was still thinking about Gabriel, and Mommy had thrown Boaz into the mix. Asher was actually a pretty late entry, coming in the week before or so because Mommy ran across it on a biblical names site. She liked that it meant "happy" or "blessed" --- that is exactly how she felt when she thought about me! However, after my precipitous delivery, she thought that she might prefer a name that meant "quick." On his iPhone, Tonton found Boaz meant "swiftness," and Mommy thought that she could call me "Bo" for short, since Beau was on their original name list. However, Daddy thought Boaz was too weird. Everyone was getting impatient calling me Peanut for sure.

Mommy and I spent most of the day trying to get in the swing of things with nursing. I had some good sessions and some bad sessions, to be sure.

I also had two portrait sessions. One with the hospital photographer, and one with my cousin Whitney. I can't post the one from the photographer, as it is copyrighted, but I can post a similar one that my Mommy made that's not nearly as good. I will also post a couple from Whitney...

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