Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 5 - Friday, July 24 - First visit to MeMaw & Big Daddy's

On Friday, I had to go to the doctor again. This meant another bath. Daddy gave me this one while Mommy got ready to leave... this was a little traumatic for me, but I felt so good and clean afterwards, I forgave Daddy.

Dr. Kuduk was really pleased with my progress. (1) I had gained 4 whole ounces and was now up to 9 lb 5 oz. I should only be gaining 1 oz/day, so I had gained twice the average. Go Mommy! (2) I have grown and should be able to be circumcised in a couple of weeks. As long as we do it before I'm one month old, I should only need local anethesia.

Friday was also the day that I had my first official visit(s). First, we had dinner at my MaMaw Della's house. MaMaw lives right down the road from us, so we didn't have very far to go at all. I ate before we left, but Mommy and Daddy had salmon patties, corn on the cob, tomatoes, mashed potatoes, and rolls. I am looking forward to being able to eat MaMaw's homecooking sometime soon!

After MaMaw's, Mommy and Daddy decided to go visit MeMaw and Big Daddy, too. I had not seen Big Daddy in a couple of days, and Mommy assumed he was going through withdrawal.

1 comment:

  1. My Jacob has a Big Daddy too. What a cool grandpa name!
