Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 9 - July 27 - Giving gifts to Daddy

More on the poo saga...

I have been eating very well the past few days and that is evident by the copious amount of diapers that I go through. This morning, Mommy was holding me, and she heard some gas escape. She handed me over to Daddy, who went into the other room to check my diaper. (Daddy is the official diaper-changer in the family.)

I only had a drop of poo, but since I had some pee, Daddy went ahead and started changing me. While he was cleaning me off, I had another little spurt of poo into the wipe. Daddy pulled the wipe away, but Mommy warned him that I might go off again. No sooner had Daddy put the wipe back next to my bottom but I exploded poo all into his hand.

At least I didn't spew all over the furniture, like I did for Mommy last week. :)

From Asher's Blog
Today was also my first day outside. Mommy took the quilt my Aunt Karen gave me and spread it out in the backyard under the big tree. Daddy was worried that it was too hot and too sunny for me... after all, it would have been too hot and too sunny for him! However, she hopes that the sun will do me some good as far as getting on a daytime-nitetime schedule.

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