Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 3 - Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - Doctors and Diapers

Today I had my first trip to my pediatrician, Dr. Kuduk. Before I went, though, I had to have my first sponge bath. MeMaw was there to tell Mommy exactly what to do, so I wasn't too badly scared.
From Asher's Blog

I had already met Dr. Kuduk twice in the nursery at the hospital, but it was nice to be able to get out of the house for a little while. I was on very good behavior and had gained an ounce. I had lost 9 oz in the hospital, but after just one day at home with Mommy and Daddy, I was back up to 9 lb 1 oz. I also got to wear a cute outfit that my Aunt SheShe got for me.

After examining my nether regions, Dr. Kuduk casually asked if I had sprayed Mommy or Daddy yet while being changed. They said 'no', 'cause up until then, I had been on very good diaper behavior. As soon as Dr. Kuduk left the examining room, however, I had a poo. When Daddy went to change my diaper, I sprayed pee everywhere. It got all over the paper on the table and went under my back. Mommy tried to block the spray with her hand, but then she could do nothing but laugh. It took them a while to get me situated. Thank goodness for the change of clothes in Mommy's diaper bag!

Later that night, I had another diaper incident. Mommy was sitting on the sofa with me on the boppy pillow next to her. She heard this wet blow-out come from the direction of my bottom, and when she looked down, I had pooped out the side of my diaper, all over the boppy pillow, and down in between two cracks of the sofa. Daddy was having a heart attack about the sofa. Tatie Monique was there, and she took care of me while Mommy threw everything she could in the washing machine and Daddy tried to clean off the sofa cushions. Luckily for them, they have that microsuade stuff on the couch which is completely stain-proof and my poo came right off.
However, Daddy thought he was doing the right thing by cleaning my poo off in the kitchen sink because he didn't want to get poo in the washing machine. Mommy went ballistic over the poo in the kitchen sink because that's where she cooks food. Since then, I think she's been rinsing my poo in the toilet where it belongs.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! Wait until he poo's all over the sheets and between the slats of the baby bed. You get to wipe down the entire bed in the middle of the night and change the sheets! Sometimes even the bumper pad, too! Fun stuff!! ;-)
