Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 29 - Facing the firing squad

Today was my 2 month appointment with Dr. Kuduk. I should have known it was going to be a bad day. Mommy asked Daddy to check on me before he came to bed, and unbeknownst to her, he put a blanket on me... again. Mommy has told Daddy over and over again that I wear the sack so I don't need a blanket and that a blanket could smother me, but Daddy is more worried about my getting chilly than my dying from suffocation.

ANYWAY, about 5 this morning, I woke up and started screaming at the top of my lungs... not hollering, screaming. Mommy woke up and was confused because I never do that. She came in to find me kicking and screaming, completely covered from head to foot by the blanket. Who knows what happened? Mommy worries that a devil came in and covered me up. But boy, she gave it to Daddy when she got back to bed! It scared her to death to find me there like that, and she threatened to kill Daddy if he ever put a blanket on me again unless he was planning on being there right there with me.

Moving on... Mommy is apparently an idiot because she rushed me and Daddy out the door just to find out that our appointment was a full hour later than she thought it was.

Regardless, I was Mr. Charming. I slept in the waiting room, and when I got to the examination room, I was all smiles. I chatted up Daddy and Miss Tammy, the nurse. I weighed a whopping 16 lbs, 9 oz and was 26.5" long! My head circumference is 16.5"... so at least my brain is growing, too.

I loved seeing Dr. Kuduk. He talks to me and listens to me. I feel so special! He told Mommy and Daddy that I was doing great and completely off the charts in terms of growth. Maybe I'll grow up to play basketball... for the Cardinals, of course! I smiled, cooed, and squealed the entire time. Mommy thought she would burst with pride and happiness.

After Dr. Kuduk left, Miss Tammy returned to do the dirty work. First, I got an oral vaccination. That wasn't too bad until the end when I got a little choked. Then, I got three shots! It was terrible. There I was, minding my own business, smiling and cooing, when Daddy grabbed my leg and held it down. He knows I hate that! Then Mommy tried distracting me while Miss Tammy shoved a needle in my left leg. There was a brief period of realization and then I let out a huge wail! Then I got two more shots in my right leg.

I actually calmed down pretty quickly after that, though I've been a little fussy today since then. I do have a cool transformers band-aid and another spiderman band-aid to show for my pain and suffering...

Day 70 - September 27 - Le Petit Prince

So today I experienced my first Renaissance Festival in Harveysburg, Ohio. It was over 2 hours up and back, so Daddy was extremely nervous about how I would do. Guess what, folks? I did GREAT! Exactly as Mommy predicted I would.

We met Mr. Chris and Miss Sarah in Lexington. I got to ride in the backseat with Mommy and Miss Sarah. I slept quite a bit, and when I was awake, I was a cutie! When I got a little fussy, Mommy and Daddy had the foresight to bring a pacifier. Normally, I don't get one; but on a trip like this, there's really very little my parents can do to calm me down should I get riled up.

It was pretty cold, so we stopped at a Meyer to pick up some jackets for Mr. Chris and Miss Sarah and some little socks for me. When we got there, I stayed in the car with Mommy for a little while to eat, but when Daddy got me out, he was fit to be tied about the weather. They found a blanket and wrapped me up before putting me into the Jeep carrier. I fell right asleep as soon as I got comfy.

We did some fun stuff there: walked around and laughed at some of the ridiculous costumes, saw the Mudde Show, watched the joust (kinda), and dreamed about the day I would be old enough to play the midway games and spend all Mommy and Daddy's money! Next year, I need a costume for sure!

On the way home, we stopped at the Cheesecake factory, where I was once again fantastically behaved. Even Daddy had to admit that I was pretty good...

Day 67 - September 24 - Rub-a-dub-dub, two men in a tub!

Today I took a shower with Daddy. He and Mommy were taking me down to MaMaw Della's for breakfast, but I was - as Tatie would say - a "greasy beezie." Daddy thought it would be fun to hold me under the shower spray and see if I liked it or not. With Mommy's help, he washed my hair and body and held me under the shower head. I'm not sure if I really liked it. I did a lot of gasping and breath-holding, as is my fashion. I really don't like water being splashed in my face when I'm in the sink let alone when it's gushing all around me.

That said, I don't think that's the last I will see of the shower...

Day 61 - September 18 - First night at my grandparents'!

Tonight, I spent the night at MeMaw and Big Daddy's. They have been asking me to spend the night for about a week... at least since they got the crib set up! Of course, they add on that they want Mommy to stay too, but I know that if it were up to them, we'd be in the basement playing until all hours of the night without her. :)

Mommy and Daddy went to a play tonight to see Tatie, and MeMaw and Big Daddy babysat. Then, when Mommy and Daddy got home, they just spent the night. You see, Mommy will be watching the Louisville v. UK game here at my grandparents' and Daddy is actually going to the game with Poppy. Since I'm staying with Mommy, I am happy to report that I get to wear my Louisville clothes tomorrow!

MeMaw and Big Daddy wanted me down in the crib, but Mommy and Daddy kept me in the pack-n-play up in Mommy's old room. It wasn't nearly as comfy as my crib... and I couldn't enjoy the mobile! That is my favorite thing! BUT I guess Mommy and Daddy were happy to have me back in their room with them after I spent last night in my own room.

Day 60 - September 17 - First Night in Big Boy bed

MeMaw and Big Daddy have been criticizing Mommy and Daddy for over a week on the fact that I'm almost 15 lbs and still sleep in the bassinet. Sure, it's a little cramped in there, but Mommy and Daddy love to have me close by where they can keep an eye (and ear!) on me. However, I've gotten to sleep at the crib at MeMaw's, and my parents can't deny that I sleep good when they let me nap in their big bed.

So, tonight, I slept in the big boy bed and did just fine!

Day 57 - September 14 - Mommy goes back to work

Today was a very sad day for Mommy. She had to go back to work. She wasn't dreading going to work so much as she was unhappy to leave me, but I didn't seem to notice. I actually had my first bottle yesterday and took it just fine. Mommy let Daddy feed me... partially so he could get the hang of it, and partially so she wasn't distracting me otherwise. Even though she was worried that I might reject it, I had no problems. Put food in front of me, and I will eat!

Since we had never done this before, we were a little behind all morning. Mommy was about half an hour late to work! She fed me and dressed me, loaded me up in the Lincoln, and drove me to MeMaw and Big Daddy's house. Big Daddy was working in Georgia that day, so it was just MeMaw to welcome me. She was so excited! She didn't have the nursery completely set up yet, but it was still comfy cozy for me.

Mommy had thought she would be fine with leaving me behind, but as she drove away, there were tears in her eyes. I'm turning her into a softie. :)

While I was at MeMaw's house, I kept a little journal for Mommy to keep in her scrapbook... should she ever take the time to work on it again. It was an uneventful day for the most part, though MeMaw did take me on two walks. I can't say I was as happy to see Mommy when she got home as she was to see me, either!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 48 - September 5 - We're going to the country

So, after my relatively painfree trip to Louisville, it would be too much to expect to make it to Aunt Sue's. This is the annual Labor Day picnic, held the Saturday before Labor Day, for my Poppy's family. MaMaw Della, her sisters, and their children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren get together way out in the country to potluck and hang out. This is one of Mommy's favorite events because it is one that she's gone to every year that she and Daddy have been together... and usually there is pretty good food!

Of course, I needed to eat at the last minute, so they didn't get off until later... and luckily Aunt SheShe called to warn Daddy of a wreck on Ironworks Road that had traffic backed up. We took a more scenic route to Aunt Sue's and I slept most of the way.

When we got there, I was a star attraction. I met many of my relatives on this side for the first time: Aunt Sue, Aunt Charlotte, Aunt Joyce, my cousin Jane... and then I got to see Poppy, Aunt Leslie, Aunt SheShe, and Abigail, too. Uncle Eddie and Aunt Camille were there, as well. Unfortunately, I had a diaper early on (almost immediately upon arrival) and then I was hungry later on, so I spent a good bit of time in the car.

What a busy weekend!

Day 47 - September 4 - Road Trip!!!

Today was my first official road trip! Sure, I've been to Lexington, Morehead, and Nicholasville already, but now I was going to Louisville and I was going to spend the night! Mommy and Daddy were both wondering how I was going to hold up, especially now that I've started getting cranky more and more often.

This morning, Mommy tested fate by taking me to Lexington with her to go to the fabric store and to see Tatie Monique at work. Tatie has been sick the past few days, and I haven't gotten to see her. She was so happy to see us walk through the door!

So after spending the morning in Lexington, I got to get ready to go to Louisville... it was a little crazy. Mom had to shower and go to Walmart to pick up a gift for my cousin Lauren who is getting married on Monday (and the reason we went to Louisville in the first place). MeMaw stayed with me while she was busy. Then Daddy got home from school, and they had to pack, so MeMaw gave me a bath and put me in my road trip outfit... it had dinosaurs on it! Unfortunately, though, I am growing so fast that my clothes are rapidly becoming too small. Mom couldn't resist putting me in this outfit at least for a little while.

We got on the road about 4PM, and I was out like a light and slept all the way there. When we got there, I ate and went back to sleep in time for all the guests to show up. I got to see several people again... My Mimi, PaPaw Jack, Aunt Becky, and Whitney. Gammy was there, too. Then I got to meet many more: my cousin Bonnie, my uncle Steve, my cousins Susan, Jane, Debbie, and their spouses, Lauren, Brandon, Evan, Caroline... it was fantastic! And I slept through almost the entire thing! After Daddy was so worried about my pitching a fit, I don't even think I woke up.

I slept in the bassinet, so it was just like being at home. I even woke up once overnight. But I was almost perfect... and I slept almost the entire way home, too!

Day 40 - August 28 - Tubby Time!

Mommy and Daddy got out the tub today rather than giving me a sponge bath. I like the tub!

Day 39 - August 27, 2009 - A visit to Aunt Teresa

Today, I went to the end of the world and back... otherwise known as my Aunt Teresa's. Me, Daddy, Mommy, and MaMaw Della loaded up for a trip out to Nicholasville and beyond to see her new home. Well, it's not entirely new, but she did add on a huge, beautiful addition that Mommy and Daddy had yet to see.

To entice them to come even more, Aunt Teresa made a huge meal including fried pork chops and macaroni and cheese... more food I am looking forward to eating one day! Like my trip to Morehead, I couldn't shake a certain crankiness. I made it all the way to Aunt Teresa's just fine... Mommy sat in the back with me, and I slept the whole way. But as soon as we pulled up in the driveway, I started feeling bad. I felt so bad, that the first thing I did once we got into Aunt Teresa's was to throw up on MaMaw Della. Mommy and Daddy were embarrassed, but both MaMaw and Aunt Teresa are very patient with me. They even took turns holding me so Mommy and Daddy could eat.

We hung out for a while, and I got to see Miss Muffin and her kittens. I'm not quite sure if I really notice any animals yet, but I am smiling at people now.

But once it was time to go, I got anxious and angry again. I think I cried off and on all the way home! Mommy and Daddy pulled into the parking lot at Woodhill Shopping Center to change my diaper, thinking that would help, but no. Mommy let me suck on her finger for a while... maybe I'm ready for limited usage of a pacifier?

Regardless, I'm sure MaMaw was very glad to get out of the car once we made it back to Winchester!

Day 31 - August 19, 2009 - I am one month old!

Today is my one month birthday! Happy birthday to me!

I went to Dr Kuduk yesterday to check back in on my little wang... all's good, thank goodness! Mommy and Daddy were driving me nuts looking at my private parts every time I turned around. I now weigh a whopping 12lb, 8 oz. I am 23.5 inches long, and my head circumference i 15.75". That brain is just a growin'!

Tatie came by and took some 1 month pictures of me, too. Can you see that I have grown?

Day 28 - August 16, 2009 - My first haircut

When I was born, I was born with a full head of hair. It's gradually been falling out, little by little, though I still have a good bit left. Meanwhile, it has apparently been growing in the back... and down my back... into a cute little mullet. This has been bothering Tatie and Daddy for quite some time, so they took matters into their own hands and gave me a hair cut today. It wasn't very much, but Mommy stuck some in my memory book and some in an envelope to keep. I don't know what she is going to do with that... maybe keep it on the shelf next to the shriveled up remainder of my umbilical cord. Silly Mommy!

Day 26 - August 14, 2009 - A return visit to Dr Kuduk

As you know, I had my special day a little over a week ago. The Plastibel device fell off Saturday night/Sunday morning, which freaked Mommy and Daddy out since it was supposed to stay on 5-8 days... and that would have been Monday at the earliest. They even called the hospital, who called Dr. Andreas at 1 AM to check and see if I was okay.

Anyway, it kept looking redder and redder, and both Mom and Dad were quite upset about the appearance of things - after all, I'm the first little boy Mommy has ever seen, and well, Daddy, he doesn't remember much about when all this happened to him. Finally, yesterday evening, my little wang got stuck to my diaper a little and I bled. That was the last straw for Daddy, and we made an appointment to come in and have everything looked at.

Needless to say, I wasn't to happy to see Dr Kuduk again, and I let him know it! I peed and peed and peed on him when he came in to look. However, once things calmed down and he was able to take a peek, he said everything looked fine to him, but to come back in early next week. I have an appointment for Tuesday.

Meanwhile, I weighed in at a heafty 12 lbs!

Day 23 - August 11, 2009 - Morehead, here I come!

Today, I took my first trip to Grandma and Grandpa's! They are my great-grandparents, and I am their first great-grandchild. It was Grandma's birthday (which Mommy almost forgot), so I brought her a framed picture of me (of course!) and a card. I didn't even know they made great-grandma cards, but I found the perfect one.

When we got there, Grandma had made Mom's favorite... chicken and dumplins! Unfortunately, I am too small for them. Hopefully, I will be ready to get some next summer. She also served tomatoes, green beans, and cornbread. For dessert, there was zucchini cake... I may pass on that, but Mom sure seemed to like it!

I was in a not-so-good mood for whatever reason. Maybe it was the travel? Mom still wanted to take me down to the campus bookstore with everyone rather than wait at the house for Daddy to get back. It's about time for him to go back to school, so Grandma and Grandpa wanted to take him to get his books. Even with the discount and buying almost all used, they still spent almost $600 for just one semester! Daddy and Mommy are so thankful to them, I'm sure. I also got a Morehead State Eagles onesie and a hoodie for this fall. I'm looking forward to shopping next year, because there are a lot of cute clothes for when I am a little bit older.

When we got back to the house, everyone had a bowl of ice cream. Apparently, this is what they do in Morehead. MeMaw had even called Grandma to tell her to watch Grandpa... he has a history of giving ice cream to babies. Drat, MeMaw... this was my chance!