Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 67 - September 24 - Rub-a-dub-dub, two men in a tub!

Today I took a shower with Daddy. He and Mommy were taking me down to MaMaw Della's for breakfast, but I was - as Tatie would say - a "greasy beezie." Daddy thought it would be fun to hold me under the shower spray and see if I liked it or not. With Mommy's help, he washed my hair and body and held me under the shower head. I'm not sure if I really liked it. I did a lot of gasping and breath-holding, as is my fashion. I really don't like water being splashed in my face when I'm in the sink let alone when it's gushing all around me.

That said, I don't think that's the last I will see of the shower...

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