Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 70 - September 27 - Le Petit Prince

So today I experienced my first Renaissance Festival in Harveysburg, Ohio. It was over 2 hours up and back, so Daddy was extremely nervous about how I would do. Guess what, folks? I did GREAT! Exactly as Mommy predicted I would.

We met Mr. Chris and Miss Sarah in Lexington. I got to ride in the backseat with Mommy and Miss Sarah. I slept quite a bit, and when I was awake, I was a cutie! When I got a little fussy, Mommy and Daddy had the foresight to bring a pacifier. Normally, I don't get one; but on a trip like this, there's really very little my parents can do to calm me down should I get riled up.

It was pretty cold, so we stopped at a Meyer to pick up some jackets for Mr. Chris and Miss Sarah and some little socks for me. When we got there, I stayed in the car with Mommy for a little while to eat, but when Daddy got me out, he was fit to be tied about the weather. They found a blanket and wrapped me up before putting me into the Jeep carrier. I fell right asleep as soon as I got comfy.

We did some fun stuff there: walked around and laughed at some of the ridiculous costumes, saw the Mudde Show, watched the joust (kinda), and dreamed about the day I would be old enough to play the midway games and spend all Mommy and Daddy's money! Next year, I need a costume for sure!

On the way home, we stopped at the Cheesecake factory, where I was once again fantastically behaved. Even Daddy had to admit that I was pretty good...

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