Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 39 - August 27, 2009 - A visit to Aunt Teresa

Today, I went to the end of the world and back... otherwise known as my Aunt Teresa's. Me, Daddy, Mommy, and MaMaw Della loaded up for a trip out to Nicholasville and beyond to see her new home. Well, it's not entirely new, but she did add on a huge, beautiful addition that Mommy and Daddy had yet to see.

To entice them to come even more, Aunt Teresa made a huge meal including fried pork chops and macaroni and cheese... more food I am looking forward to eating one day! Like my trip to Morehead, I couldn't shake a certain crankiness. I made it all the way to Aunt Teresa's just fine... Mommy sat in the back with me, and I slept the whole way. But as soon as we pulled up in the driveway, I started feeling bad. I felt so bad, that the first thing I did once we got into Aunt Teresa's was to throw up on MaMaw Della. Mommy and Daddy were embarrassed, but both MaMaw and Aunt Teresa are very patient with me. They even took turns holding me so Mommy and Daddy could eat.

We hung out for a while, and I got to see Miss Muffin and her kittens. I'm not quite sure if I really notice any animals yet, but I am smiling at people now.

But once it was time to go, I got anxious and angry again. I think I cried off and on all the way home! Mommy and Daddy pulled into the parking lot at Woodhill Shopping Center to change my diaper, thinking that would help, but no. Mommy let me suck on her finger for a while... maybe I'm ready for limited usage of a pacifier?

Regardless, I'm sure MaMaw was very glad to get out of the car once we made it back to Winchester!

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