Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 47 - September 4 - Road Trip!!!

Today was my first official road trip! Sure, I've been to Lexington, Morehead, and Nicholasville already, but now I was going to Louisville and I was going to spend the night! Mommy and Daddy were both wondering how I was going to hold up, especially now that I've started getting cranky more and more often.

This morning, Mommy tested fate by taking me to Lexington with her to go to the fabric store and to see Tatie Monique at work. Tatie has been sick the past few days, and I haven't gotten to see her. She was so happy to see us walk through the door!

So after spending the morning in Lexington, I got to get ready to go to Louisville... it was a little crazy. Mom had to shower and go to Walmart to pick up a gift for my cousin Lauren who is getting married on Monday (and the reason we went to Louisville in the first place). MeMaw stayed with me while she was busy. Then Daddy got home from school, and they had to pack, so MeMaw gave me a bath and put me in my road trip outfit... it had dinosaurs on it! Unfortunately, though, I am growing so fast that my clothes are rapidly becoming too small. Mom couldn't resist putting me in this outfit at least for a little while.

We got on the road about 4PM, and I was out like a light and slept all the way there. When we got there, I ate and went back to sleep in time for all the guests to show up. I got to see several people again... My Mimi, PaPaw Jack, Aunt Becky, and Whitney. Gammy was there, too. Then I got to meet many more: my cousin Bonnie, my uncle Steve, my cousins Susan, Jane, Debbie, and their spouses, Lauren, Brandon, Evan, Caroline... it was fantastic! And I slept through almost the entire thing! After Daddy was so worried about my pitching a fit, I don't even think I woke up.

I slept in the bassinet, so it was just like being at home. I even woke up once overnight. But I was almost perfect... and I slept almost the entire way home, too!

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