Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 26 - August 14, 2009 - A return visit to Dr Kuduk

As you know, I had my special day a little over a week ago. The Plastibel device fell off Saturday night/Sunday morning, which freaked Mommy and Daddy out since it was supposed to stay on 5-8 days... and that would have been Monday at the earliest. They even called the hospital, who called Dr. Andreas at 1 AM to check and see if I was okay.

Anyway, it kept looking redder and redder, and both Mom and Dad were quite upset about the appearance of things - after all, I'm the first little boy Mommy has ever seen, and well, Daddy, he doesn't remember much about when all this happened to him. Finally, yesterday evening, my little wang got stuck to my diaper a little and I bled. That was the last straw for Daddy, and we made an appointment to come in and have everything looked at.

Needless to say, I wasn't to happy to see Dr Kuduk again, and I let him know it! I peed and peed and peed on him when he came in to look. However, once things calmed down and he was able to take a peek, he said everything looked fine to him, but to come back in early next week. I have an appointment for Tuesday.

Meanwhile, I weighed in at a heafty 12 lbs!

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