Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 61 - September 18 - First night at my grandparents'!

Tonight, I spent the night at MeMaw and Big Daddy's. They have been asking me to spend the night for about a week... at least since they got the crib set up! Of course, they add on that they want Mommy to stay too, but I know that if it were up to them, we'd be in the basement playing until all hours of the night without her. :)

Mommy and Daddy went to a play tonight to see Tatie, and MeMaw and Big Daddy babysat. Then, when Mommy and Daddy got home, they just spent the night. You see, Mommy will be watching the Louisville v. UK game here at my grandparents' and Daddy is actually going to the game with Poppy. Since I'm staying with Mommy, I am happy to report that I get to wear my Louisville clothes tomorrow!

MeMaw and Big Daddy wanted me down in the crib, but Mommy and Daddy kept me in the pack-n-play up in Mommy's old room. It wasn't nearly as comfy as my crib... and I couldn't enjoy the mobile! That is my favorite thing! BUT I guess Mommy and Daddy were happy to have me back in their room with them after I spent last night in my own room.

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