Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 48 - September 5 - We're going to the country

So, after my relatively painfree trip to Louisville, it would be too much to expect to make it to Aunt Sue's. This is the annual Labor Day picnic, held the Saturday before Labor Day, for my Poppy's family. MaMaw Della, her sisters, and their children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren get together way out in the country to potluck and hang out. This is one of Mommy's favorite events because it is one that she's gone to every year that she and Daddy have been together... and usually there is pretty good food!

Of course, I needed to eat at the last minute, so they didn't get off until later... and luckily Aunt SheShe called to warn Daddy of a wreck on Ironworks Road that had traffic backed up. We took a more scenic route to Aunt Sue's and I slept most of the way.

When we got there, I was a star attraction. I met many of my relatives on this side for the first time: Aunt Sue, Aunt Charlotte, Aunt Joyce, my cousin Jane... and then I got to see Poppy, Aunt Leslie, Aunt SheShe, and Abigail, too. Uncle Eddie and Aunt Camille were there, as well. Unfortunately, I had a diaper early on (almost immediately upon arrival) and then I was hungry later on, so I spent a good bit of time in the car.

What a busy weekend!

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